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AP Benson appointed WRAP delivery partner


AP Benson is delighted to announce that it has been selected as a contractor for the delivery of services to the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

AP Benson has been appointed, as one of the delivery contractors, under the Business Development Service's Expert Advisors Framework to provide support to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK recycling and reprocessing sectors. AP Benson will assist firms in developing strong investment proposals and in identifying market opportunities and the best sources of capital. The overall aim is to increase investment in this sector.

The Waste & Resource Action Programme, WRAP, is a not-for-profit company created in 2000 as part of DEFRA's Defra (the UK Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) waste strategies.

WRAP's mission is to help develop markets for material resources that would otherwise have become waste. For example, WRAP's work seeks to improve the markets for recovered aggregates, glass, organics, paper, plastics, and wood.

WRAP also provides advisory services to local authorities and helps influence public behaviour through national level communication programmes.

It also works on Defra programmes to minimise waste generated by households.

Posted on 31st March 2009
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